Volume control circuit diagram

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I am wanting to build a volume control for my ipod to my car amplifier. I dont want to use the volume control on the ipod.

My amplifier is built using the TDA2005.

I have looke on the Internet but getting very confused.
A volume control has three terminals per channel:
1) The input from your ipod.
2) The slider which is the output to the input coupling capacitor on your TDA2005 amplifier.
3) Ground.

Most volume controls are logarithmic (A) not linear (B).
It is very simple so what is your problem?


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IIRC the ipod output level is some 30 times the level needed to drive the amp at max volume.
If you find, using AG's simple circuit, that the volume control always has to be set near the minimum then you could add a 47k (or thereabouts) resistor in series between the ipod output and the 'in' terminal shown.
The volume control is supposed to be logarithmic so the amplifier begins to clip when the signal is high and the volume control is set to about half-way. Then low signal levels can be "turned up". A logarithmic volume control at half-way attenuates the input signal 10 to 20 times.

I noticed that the TDA2005 bridged amplifier has a sensitivity of only 22mV for full output power with a voltage gain extremely high at 50dB (320 times).
Then your recommended extra attenuation is good.
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