walk through metal detector

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New Member
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i am vikas. i am doing my project on walk through metal detector. can any one please give the circuit diagram for it. i thought of doing it through magnets but it failed. so please any one give me the circuit diagram.
Next time you are down at the airport just ask:

"Hey guys, do you have the schematic of this thing? ... If so, can I have a copy please?"

Hi Vikas, welcome to the forum.

Chemelec has the voted best design, but it is certainly not for beginners.
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Otherwise the simplest one is the 1-inch ranged one, see this from Z-X metal. You can buy the components or buy the whole thing by itself.

metal detector flat type of 30cm range

sir i lost my circuit diagram for single rod metal detection circuit diagram which can sense it for 30 cm so any one please kindly help me ............
any one give me the circuit diagram for 30cm range
You don't need anything as complex as the first two circuits and the ZX circuit is not very sensitive with a small inductor as the sensor.
You need something like this. The coils are 15cm diameter and the circuit will detect a coin at 15 cm.
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