Wanna make a comeback!

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Active Member
Hi there,
I have been very inactive in this forum from past 2 years, and hardly posted in the previous year. Most of them would have forgotten me, and might not remember that i was member here. I got a job in a non-technical and non-electro discipline and thus haven't got time to pursue my electro-obsession. A job was badly my requirement, i wanted to earn my bread, also couldn't get a suitable one due to my bad grades. As i said, i have not been here for the same reason, and would like to recapitulate some thing in the subject and want to get back to the track.

Will soon be trying for a new job (of passion), please welcome me back with the same affection and help me win back my love for electronics. Keep me hooked up with ETO.
Hi there Ee. Nope, haven't forgotten you! Welcome back!

Sometimes you just have to take what jobs are available, whether related to your field or not. For a couple of years I worked at Kmart (a department store) as a sales associate. Definitely not my proudest years, but it put food on the table. Don't be ashamed, it happens to the best of us.

Good luck in your future endeavors! I look forward to seeing more from you in the near future

Thanks DerStrom8 and killivolt for remembering me. Thanks for all that you said, it inspires a lot.
Yes, it's been a poignant phase of life, but i hope to get a suitable job soon, i'm afraid i don't want to forget my passion.
Thanks DerStrom8 and killivolt for remembering me. Thanks for all that you said, it inspires a lot.
Yes, it's been a poignant phase of life, but i hope to get a suitable job soon, i'm afraid i don't want to forget my passion.
How can we forget!!! Your "funny images" thread is still the most popular!!! Up to 866 posts now!!!
Hi Ian Rogers, Nice that the thread has still been active. When i go there, i see the whole lot of posts which i've never read. Some are too funny, had a thirty minute glance at it.
Says alot about you Matt, a bloke that puts his family and food on the table before his pride is a decent bloke in my book, I know way too many people who would rather be on welfare than 'stoop' down to a job they consider beneath them. Shallow people with a bad attitude, doing the right thing especially when you hate it takes guts. I would strongly disagree these were not your proudest years, to me these should be the very proudest years as they say a great deal about your character.

*as long as you didnt spend the money on shed curtains *
Well said LG.
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