Want a PIC programmer

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I have no issues at all with the AVR, I absolutely love it. Simple architecture that is very intuitive. I doubt that I will prefer the PIC over the AVR save for a few specific applications where the PIC may have more desirable peripherals.
Im pretty sure that he got them, he's gonna wait for a bit to send me some other stuff along with it ;D
I noticed that the JuneBug is more like the STK500 over the AVRISPMKII, does this mean that I won't be able to program PICs that don't fit the sockets used by the Junebug?
Salgat said:
I noticed that the JuneBug is more like the STK500 over the AVRISPMKII, does this mean that I won't be able to program PICs that don't fit the sockets used by the Junebug?

There is an ICD connector on the right side, that's for external PIC programming. If you look on my homepage you'll see a Junebug connected to the ICD connector on an 18F2525 Mongoose kit.
If it is compatible with the PICKIT 2 that means it supports all the PICs, which means I might as well get this instead.
The PICkit2 has the built in EEPROM for standalone programming support and the 3.3V circuitry. The Junebug has the 18F1320 Tutor/Experimenter and the breakout connector along the top. It's also fun to build IMO
Haha I'll pay the extra $15 for the assembled version, I don't like soldering and I know I'll never get around to putting it together if I buy it unassembled.
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