Want to get started with PICs...

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I was looking to get started with PICs. Does anybody make a starter kit with a few simple projects (think of the Radio Shack electronic project kits)?
I suggest you either really study ASM or invest in an easier programming language such as Pic Basic. When I first started, I had a hell of a time learning ASM from picking apart ASM tutorials. I understand more of it now but switched to Pic Basic Pro for the hassle.

A lot of people would suggest getting the pickit2 or clone. As far as projects go, there are a lot out there. I would first try a basic blinking LED one just to get the idea. As KChriste said, check out Nigel's site.

Thanks guys. Needed somebody to grab my shoulders, turn me and push my nose into what I needed! I'll check those out.

Good advice from the above replies, but would suggest you don't rush out buying things - there is no need untill you understand micros better.

Downloading Microchips Free MPLAB IDE software will get you coding with its inbuilt Assembler.
If you want to use C, again Microchip has many free versions and a lot of the other languages like Basic have free versions from their vendors

Mplab has an inbuilt code Simulator, but there are also some other simualtors that allow you to design a circuit then apply your code and see it running.

Once you find your feet with the coding then which hardware is suited to you will become more obvious.
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