want to make a "fake" xbox controller

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New Member
hey there, i have an old Xbox controller from the original Xbox, i want to make my Xbox 360 controller look like one from an original Xbox, (also have a "ripped" looking cord coming out of it) and make my old Xbox controller (with a wire) look like a new Xbox 360 controller, i think the idea is reasonably straightforward, however some buttons are in different areas or not there at all, is there anyway i can make the buttons work? for instance the start and back button are in different places and my regular Xbox remote doesn't have a battery pack or "RB" and "LB" i don't HAVE to do this project but i think a wireless Xbox 360 remote that looked like a wrecked original Xbox wired remote would be pretty damn cool. it would be easier to paint the thing black and have a cord coming out of it, but that would kinda be cheating.
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