Want to make PIC IR Remote.

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New Member
Hi there guys and gals. I'm new here, looking on the net for a good place with like minded people to help with various little projects I have and maybe come up with in the future.

I am currently an Electronic Engineering and Computer Science student, I know a little about a lot of things, and a lot about a little of things, so I just like to have a play with what I know and see if I can learn more.

Currently I have this little project idea, inspired by something stupid and slightly annoying.

I am a perfectionist ... this is wh the slightly annoying thing that most people would just ignore is bothering me and warranted a project.

Anyway, I have just bought a device that should have an infra-red remote with about 5 or 6 buttons for input and no remote, wasn't there, kinda sucks I know.

So, what I want to do is create an infra-red remote for it.

First of all I need to find the remote codes needed for the device, and this qill be quite some work, I thought of downloading some form of IR code database and blasting them at the device from my PC via the MCE IR Blaster, but i'm open to better ideas.

So, what I am asking is if anyone could point me in the right direction of how exactly i should go about making an infra-red transmitter in PIC, what I will need (aside from the obvious) how I should go about it etc.

Oh, also, size is an important factor, the IR remote needs to be as small as possible, preferrably the dimensions of a 9V PP6 battery, and run of a CR2032 button cell.

Any info would be grately appreciated, even if it's to tell me I'm in the wrong place and to look elsewhere for help, thanks.

For a start, as you already know, you need to find out what codes you need to transmit - this really isn't a trivial task, as there are a great many entirely different codes, and many entirely different modulation and coding methods.

Until you've found that out there's no point in worrying about actually building it, although it should be possible with SM PIC's in LF versions.

My tutorials show how to transmit (and receive) Sony SIRCs, and the transmit routines are VERY easily modified to output any IR codes you want (I've done a number of different systems with it).

You don't mention what the device is?, but fi you could borrow a working remote for it to analyse, it would massively simplify your task.

Yes, unfortununately the company that created the device seem no longer to exist, the device is a trivial thing, it's monetary value is small and it can be easily replaced but there is no fun in that.

Unfortunately due to the lack of popularity of the device it will be close to impossible to find a remote for it but i have an idea up my sleeve where i could possibly find it.

On that note, if i do find one that someone has, what would be the easiest way for them to record the codes and send me, or atleast send me information that may be of use?

Were it in my possession i would simply record the output using an infra-red receiver on my PC and the programs HIP/Girder. However, due to the nature of the item, it's possible the users will be incapable of doing this nor are they likely to have the hardware.
Do you know of any way I can "blast" IR codes at the thing so that I can try and find some of the useful codes? bit likea brute force thing? So i can narrow it down?
No, there's just so many different codes and systems available. But you might try mentioning what it is?, there may be someone here who also has one.
I came across the IR Widget project awhile back and thought it was an interesting and inexpensive solution for studying different IR codes and formats.


Hey guys, an update, I opened the thing up, being an Electronics Engineer, it was the only point of call remaining, turns out the cheapskates didn't include the IR detection stuff on my device, the PCB is correctly tracked for it, the cabling is there, just nothing to connect it to.

Anyway, the project has now changed from make a remote, to , I need to make an IR detection system AND a remote for it.

Where would I start with the detection system, I am restricted on space, it needs to run off of 5V DC (coming from a mains adapter) and it needs to have 5 buttons minimum, 6 maximum.

Thanks guys.
If you would post the type of device, you would have answers quickly. No one could help with the information you have supplied. I recently used a pic to record pulse widths from my air conditioner.
jkmadsci said:
If you would post the type of device, you would have answers quickly. No one could help with the information you have supplied. I recently used a pic to record pulse widths from my air conditioner.

More on this topic would be helpful for some here. What kind of air con, and how did you do this?
blueroomelectronics said:
Buy a Logitech / Harmony remote, supports almost everything.
I have a Harmony 880. They're incredibly poorly designed, both mechanically and software-wise. What were they thinking?

The stupid button layout forces you to use two hands. And the layout is completely bizarre. The buttons are all odd shapes that are hard to find without looking. Some are very tiny and odd shaped. Stupid design.

If you want to reach over and push a button while the controller is laying on the couch arm or wherever, the base of the controller is rounded so it constantly wants to roll away from your finger. Stupid design.

The programming software is hideous. Absolutely horrible. If you grind away at it, it does do the job though. And it's Windows and IE ONLY. Ew! Forget using any other browser or operating system.

There's no on-controller programming whatsoever. If you wanna make a quick change you have to take the controller to the computer. Most annoying.

That said, I've gotten used to the horrible thing and I do kind of like it. It is better than my previous method of having three remotes at hand. But it could be SO much better. </rant>
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It's the huge and growing IR database that makes it. I have a 520 that eats batteries like no tomorrow. But it supports everything including some really strange stuff.
My 520 is not well made, on the otherhand my Logitech Nano mouse is excellent.
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