WANTED! Grundig MO-53, or MO-22 schematic

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New Member

last week, my scope (MO-53) made the following: on the left side of the screen, the beam made a high intesity, big point... so big, that the full screen was green. I think, that the controller circuit, which is responsible for the turnig up of the beam is faulty. Since last weak, unfortunately it appears often. I searched the NET, for the schematic, without a result... But I found a site, with pictures from the MO-22, and it has got the same fault, as mine...

My question is, that have somebody a schematic for this scope? Or, while it appears to be a typical fault, the correct reason?
This looks like the sawtooth-generator stopped. Try cleaning the time-base switch maybe help...

It has got a digital time-base, with buttons, and a display, not with a swich... the time base is OK, becouse te beam runs, just it's too intensive... It's just for a moment... after that, it works normally, for some sec, or minute...
oldmp said:
My question is, that have somebody a schematic for this scope? Or, while it appears to be a typical fault, the correct reason?

Grundig include a schematic with the scope, don't you already have it?. Or did you perhaps buy the scope second hand?, and didn't get it given to you?.
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