Wanted: Mosfet driver circuit for 12Vdc 10A motor

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New Member
Hi all,

I was wondering if anybody had a circuit diagram for speed controlling a 12Vdc 10A motor.

The motor at 12Vdc has an inrush of 45A for less than a second, then stabilises to 10A at full speed.

I am after a mosfet circuit diagram, which I know will be straight forward for those experienced ones, that will be controlled using a 18F4550 using PWM. I was given a circuit board that was damaged which drove a similiar motor that used IRFZ48N. On the circuit next to the mosfets is an MBR1645. Unfortunately the boad is so badly damaged I cannot make head nor tail of it.

The microcontroller side of things I will handle, it is just a reliable mosfet drive circuit that I need to get going.

Any help will be appreciated.

Many thanks,
Motor Driver

Here is one that should work. All the parts are available from Mouser.
Try to keep all the leads short. Twist (like twisted pair) your power and motor leads - especially if they are long. Put the FET and diode on a small heatsink.


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