War of the worlds

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Thanks for that explanation Jay but I am noticing as the night goes on the speed is getting a little quicker. Well after 3-1/2 hours I've downloaded 90mb, uploaded 131 mb and bitstream says its finished 54 mb or 3%. I'll leave the download on all night and see how much is done in the wee hours as earlier I noticed the download dropping out and as our exchange is an old one I reckon if someonr uses a phone my download speed suffers.

Cheers Bryan :D
The only thing I can tell you "get rid of that ISDN and buy DSL or CABLE". 128KB ISDN is not suitable for downloading movies, (you can download 50MB per hour :evil: )
Bryan, there's a 440MB MP4 version that would be finished much sooner than your 1800MB verion, quality wont be as good but at least it wont take so long, VLC player will play it ok.
The reason I went ISDN Jay was my 56K modem would only connect at 33K and Telstra won't supply ADSL on my exchange as the telstra tech said unless 40% of users complained of faults they wont upgrade the exchange which is nearly 30 years old, and also I'm at the end of the line as far as the exchange goes. Well I haven't got mains power or mains water although I'm only 2 K's out of the metro area. I looked into getting a satellite but the cost of instalation put it out of reach. So it looks like I'm stuck with ISDN for atleast another 12 months. But the beauty is I've got unlimited time and data so aslong as the solar batteries are charged I'll leave the puter to download day and night. Well after this download I'll just use my laptop in future as the power comsumption is a lot less.

Cheers Bryan

I'm HERE! ... my mission was to eliminate Roboticinfo. Now my work is done... any last requests?
Not really. I don't like what you did to him... he is a good guy :evil:
Please explain to me how he was a nice guy. He is not a Robot expert, he does not build robots, (reminds me of that guy in the news who thought he was a pro tennis player and killed his parents because they told him he wasn't - is it called narcisism - or narcisistic personality disorder?) Anyway, the guy has never posted anything that shows he is intelligent.... REALLY - you guys must be so gullible if you believed any of his bull****.
He does not have £30,000 worth of equipment & he does not work building PC's and NOBODY should feel sorry for him... Maybe I'm wrong??? If anybody disagrees then please prove me wrong....

You made an screenshot of the end huh?

i downloaded the 440 MB MP4 version becose didnt want to wait too much (It got it off in one hour)
Someone Electro said:
Why did you have to do it?

I posted one screen to show the quality of the MP4 version and it can hardly be a spoiler given the novel was written in 1898 and re-told in various forms countless times since, geez. :roll:
Someone Electro said:
The statement you quoted was for roboticmisinfo
Lol, i thought you were having a dig at me giving the ending away probably best to use the quote button or at least mention who you were talking about to avoid any confusion.
Well after nearly 24 hours of downloadin I'm only 26% there but bloody telstra cut my internet connection of in the middle of the night so it looks like another day or so before I can finally watch the movie. But I did notice there is a promo which I watched and the movies does look awesum so it will be worth the wait. The movie I'm downloading has the extension xvid which I had to download a driver but one website said it was 6 hours before the xvid becomes illegial. Who cares I just wanna watch da movie

Cheers Bryan
Where i live evryone has pirated software and NO one got in truble becose of it.They just say its ilegal to scare us from doing it,but there not doing anything about it.
Hiya Guy's,
Just a quick update, I played around with the options on bitspirit as it was uploading more than downloading. Silly me should of done this yesterday instead of uploading 800 megs, now I'm downloading on average at 14KB/s and uploading at 1.5KB/s and now it's downloading around 45 meg an hour, going at this rate I'll be watching the movie in the morning hopefully. But at 1490 megs for my first big download it's a real learning experience, I'll make sure the next one is a tad smaller so I won't have to wait 50 hours just to watch a movie. It's lucky I'm running solar or the powerbill would be the same price as a movie ticket and thats after the power cuts out and having to download the thing 3 times or more just to get it in 1 hit.

Cheers Bryan

You did not make me leave, and I am going to make this my last post and explain everything. I do not care what you opinion is because it is crap. I do not have time to get pictures because I am busy and have better things to do then sit around on the computer and criticize. The reason I have not made a complex post is because I do not like to type to much, I know this may sound like crap now since I am typing this paragraph but that is the way the world spins. I do fix computers and recently quit my job and need to find another way to make money. So now I am going to build stuff and sell it on ebay, since I get free Saturdays. I left this forum because to many people were criticizing me and I didn't want to snap to much and do something I wouldn't regret. I have changed as you can see by me not cussing and this makes me the better person then you. You may think you are in command and have more power then me but you don't.
This is my last post on Electro-tech-online and I will make no more posts at all. Most of you want me to leave so I fulfill your wishes and hopefully you won't talk stuff to other members. A forum with 30,000 members, there would most definitely be a lot of arguments. I am no longer RoboticInfo I have cleared that name from my book and I will be taking my website down and building a new one for people to really get help on electronics instead of waiting for under construction. I did not ever state I was the best at robotics but I did state I built them. Gadget was my cousin which I didn't know till 3 days after he posted that stuff and he lives right next door to me (also into electronics). As for jay.Slovak and Bernie AKA (Someone Electro) I wish you the best of luck on this website and I give jay congrats for finally being a mod for microcontrollers and for Bernie I wish you luck in helping people and being a friend to me. Zachtheterrible and Digitan also friends of mine, also cool people they also deserve honor for there well respected posts. I can't forget about Samcheetah which I have talked to a couple of times and they are very cool guys. The people I wish no luck to would be Pommie, Roboticmisinfo and that is at the top of my mind at this moment.
I would like to say that I started bringing something I used to do in the past and am bringing them to the future with me and they have made me a better person.
As the president of America always says, bush out.

Good bye.
You're right mate, you are the better person.

this makes me the better person then you

I suppose you will be quite desperate for money at the age of 15 - mortgage, university, kids etc. So I am very sorry if I offended you there - I'm sure you probably do fix computers (It's not exactly difficult these days is it? - Motherboard screws in, ram slots in, processor clips in, fans go in, HDD & CD RW plugs in, Monitor plugs in, switch go's on :wink: so I'm sure you could manage that!)

I suppose with that being your last post you won't be able to tell us the name of your new website or your eBay user ID. Actually that makes me wonder... why pull down the site? Why not just keep it and update it?

By the way, you probably shouldn't quote things from a man that has said things such as;

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

"It's in our country's interests to find those who would do harm to us and get them out of harm's way."

"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.''

This is the best! :

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." —Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001

Then he says:

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." —Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002

Anyway bye Roboticinfo.


P.S. If that was you last post you won't be able to post any come backs:

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