Warn me for this Tx and Amp for my project....hm...!

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Well-Known Member
Warn me if doing any mistakes for this Tx and Amplifier....hm...!

I have asked most of the things about this Tx and Amp seperatly. Now I am trying to connect these two device for 5 watt output. The Tx from:- www.electronics-diy.com/tx500.php
And the Amp from:-
But I think there are some mistakes to improve. About Tx500, audioguru had said- Q3 is in risk of damage from over heating.
About Amp, filter should have to apply to solve harmonics problem.
And others I don't know. Can I connect this Tx to this Amp? Look this Tx and Amp Circuit joined by me and calculate and suggest me more, please!
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We are bored by your illegal FM transmitter.
Build it, adjust its many trimmer capacitors then test it.
Tell us how far away it can be received.
Be sure, I never transmit it to invite RF cops in my door! I am using Mod-4 for transmitting my Mp3 within short range using +7V. I am not in city now so Mod-4 at 7V won't affect to other and also it's harmonic free because of its class-A amplifier. I am very far from crowd and almost nothing is here.
Illegal transmission might be very very harmful for aircrafts, ambulance, other rf systems, TVs transmissions, Local FM stations, RF security systems. I don't want to invite RF cops in my door. I don't want to make big accident cause of my foolish work. Thank you.
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