Watch a future electrical engineer DANCE!!!

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George L.

New Member
Who ever said scientists and engineers can't dance?

Check me here: **broken link removed**

Lets show the world that Scientists and Engineers can dance!! If you like it, please vote for my video in the contest by voting 5 stars (click on the 5th star next to the video...!!!

I am on my school robotics team and hope to be an electrical engineer when I go to college next year. I have made autonomous robots, radios, transmitters, and other sorts of electronics with the help and guidance of members from this forum.

Feel free to post your own dance videos!

Thanks guys,

George L.
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Hey, you're pretty good at that! Not my idea of dancing, but then I'm a 66 year old fart, so you can pretty much discount my opinion.
PS I can't dance.
Oh. I prefer ballroom dancing personally. I work better when I have someone whose opinion I care about at stake.

Do you practice in front of the mirror? Can you do the robot?
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Yes, I can do the robot, but not too well. I practice in front of a mirror or just tape myself in short clips, then I play it back.
Yes that guys is incredible. His name is David Elsewhere and he is a professional dancer. He is in a lot of commercials and some music videos.

I am just a hobbyist that likes to do this type of dance for fun, so i can never really be that good. He has has doing that for 6+ years! I have been dancing for 1 month.
I prefer moshpits to this kind of dancing. or circle-pits... The best kind of "dancing" in my humming opinion....

Hey, you're pretty good. I can't dance worth a (blank)

Good luck in school. Sounds like EE or CS is for you!
No, i think they just have ants in their pants.
And rubber bones.
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