Wave Solder Help!

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I guess I am the go to guy for the wave soldering here at work. I have a problem with soldering a simple TO220 three lead component. The board is all through hole and solders perfect except for the TO220 which is prepped at 90 degrees and glued to the board. The leads stick through the solder side/bottom .040" and it bridges most of the time. All the other through hole components solder with no problems topside fill, bottom side fill all look great.
Does anyone have any sugestions or comments because I am puzzled.


Are we talking about wave soldering, of flow soldering?
I can think of three things that may help

Run the wave slower
Reduce the size of the annular rings
Add drain pads (see attached picture). Everything in black on the drain pads should be copper with no solder mask on it


  • drain pads.GIF
    3.7 KB · Views: 154
It is a lamda/main wave that I am using.
We are a contract manufacturer so changing the pcb lay out is very difficult or basically not an option.

Probably the TO220 is sucking the heat out of the board. Is that the biggest component on there?
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