Thanks for all the response. I see right now this is going to be very hard because of our contemporary concept of the terms. I am going to use the same terms, but these terms are applied to a foreign, unfamiliar dynamic. There is bound to be some confusion. And of course a lot of doubt.
We have been taught that for the property of momentum, there needs to be mass. This is largely because no one knows what mass is. Mass is not needed for momentum. Mass only occurs with inertia. Inertia is a resistance to change. Inertia is an anti-rate property, meaning it resists any change in rate of any property. It's sorta like a "do not disturb" property. It is produce by two perpendicular rotational woven EM fields. Momentum only needs field density with velocity, not mass. This is why E fields and M fields have linear or angular momentum. They have density.
Energy is simply, any and all motion. Motion can be linear, angular and area expansion/contraction. It's a property of a physical entity. Mass/inertia is confined motion. Confinement occurs with angular and area E/C motion. It is also a property of a physical entity. These properties(energy/mass) can be ratio-ed with structure. There are two physical entities, one has mass, one has none, but does have momentum. The mass entity has structure, and that structure and the motion of it, produces and ratios all the properties of the entity.
The woven EM fields around this structure can be separated from the structure. This is an EM emission. This structure is the ONLY physical structure/entity in the cosmos. All other structures and objects in the cosmos are combinations of this one structure. This structure has a ring type shape, and has a property like a telescopic circumference. The structure can expand and contract. But it can not E/C in an analog fashion. This is because of rotational resonance. Rotation resonance is what gives us the "quantum effect". Rotational resonance is monopole resonance. It is a balance between electric field divergence and magnetic field convergence. Only set lengths(circumferences) can balance the two. Also, this structure is a non pi structure. pi does not apply to the ratio of Cir/Dia. The C/D ratio is always larger than 3.14, and it is variable. Never ever depend on math for understanding or determination. This goes for planetary orbits also. Planetary orbits are NOT elliptical.
This mass entity is what science calls charge, but other the e, science knows nothing about charge. Or mass.
A charge has a front porch, a back porch and one side. An iso charge always moves in the front porch direction. If you want to reverse the direction of a charge, you need to flip it. Which is easy to do, and it's very quick. So quick, that if you do it the right way, you can separate the field from the charge. On rare occasions, the charge can be accelerated backwards. This will invert the properties and allow an electron to have the mass properties of a proton, and let a proton acquire the mass properties of an electron. Anti-matter. It's not a mystery or a confoundment.
This is going to sound silly, but it's the secret to understand the asymmetry between electrons and protons. I always use electron flow for current, never ever positive flow. If positive flow occurs, it will not obey ohm's law.
Wind a left handed solenoid coil. Hang it vertically. Apply current to go up the coil. There will be a S mag pole at the top. The current, the charge is moving up, but the M dipole is moving down. The direction of a M dipole is S to N. The "dipole" term applies to the axle or converged section of the total M field. E charge up, M charge down, for a left handed coil.
Replace coil with a right handed coil. Now the current is moving up, and the M dipole is moving up. E charge up. M charge up.
Now imagine measuring these momentums. In the left handed coil, the momentums cancel, giving a very low net(if any) momentum. The "net" comes from measurement orientation. It would appear very light. But the right handed coil has the momentums in parallel, and would measure a high total momentum. Appear heavy. But there is more to it than that.
e is the only constant quantity in the cosmos. You should think of it as a constant length, OF a constant number of E field lines along that length. However, we can vary the density of those lines with structure. And this is how. Please imagine two equal strings hanging vertically. If we twist one of those strings, it will shorten, compared to the untwisted string. If we twist it again, it will shorten some more. This will increase the E field density, without adding charge. Now imagine, instead of twisting, that we spiral the constant length of e, around a very skinny rod. Let's give it 100 turns. Now remove rod, and bend this long skinny helix in a circle. A closed helix. This helix of charge rolls, or spirals, and the total close helix will appear to rotate, but it's the roll, not the spin a total structure. But gives an appearance of total ring rotation. It's the roll or spiral motion that gives the torus motion. This roll is always at angular c.
The M dipole, remains completely enclosed inside the helix. In an lefthanded charge, the E flux and M flux motion is anti-parallel. This causes an electron to have a normally expansive property. It want's to remain in a large size, slow rotation, low energy state. When charged, it looks for a way to discharge.
In the right handed roll, the fluxes are in parallel. This contracts the structure, it's a pig, and keeps what energy it can get. It's super stingy. It keeps all the energy and is looking for more. This keeps the proton at small size, high rotation and high energy state.
When a charge absorbs energy, it adds a turn or turns. It shrinks. It increases density. It increases the RPM of torus. When a charge discharges energy, it relaxes a turn or turns. It expands. It slows the torus RPM.
99.9 % of energy in cosmos is in protons. 99.9 % of energy transferred in the done by the electron.
This is my speculation....(the art of speculation has hit it's zenith with probability and spacetime as boundaries)....but mine has set rules. What the heck would cause all this configuration and motion, what powers this device. Lets take a dab of raw charge. Charge is repulsive and will immediately start to diverge away from itself and all the other charge in that dab. This causes a common outward velocity. A common speed and a common direction....out. Common direction is common in two directions....out AND in. This common acceleration builds a common M field. This M field rolls and spirals AND turns this dab in the same common direction, into this helical structure when the V of the M equals the E velocity. This enclosed M field lassos the E field with rotation. Think of a super nova explosion. If we put the same turn on all the flying out components, all the components would form a ring, and the expansion would cease. We could control the diameter of that ring by controlling the V of the turn. Slow it down, it expands, speed it up, it contracts. Only with charge, it uses E and M forces.
Only a certain number of turns will balance the repulsive force at only certain diameters. The quantum effect.
The number of E lines are constant, but we can add M lines, to contract it down to varying degrees of E density.
Magnetic flux can be exchanged, but E flux stays constant, only the density of it changes.
There is more. Adding turns and particle bonding. And light of course. And the antenna setup. I have to take a break for medication, if I don't come back tonite, will try tomorrow.