wavelet transforms

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New Member
my project topic is fault locator in transmission lines by using travelling waves and wavelet transform theory.
if a fault occur in transmission line, we have to find the distance of the fault and the shape of the wave at that time of fault occured.i need help regarding this
I dont know about wavelets, but, it sounds as though you are making some kind of a Time Domain Reflectometer.

You are apparently referring the the IEEE Journal article on the subject by M SILVA, M OLESKOVICZ, and D V COURY. It's a frequency domain method of determining fault locations by analyzing the characteristics of the high frequency transients generated. That's a rather esoteric topic and you are not likely to find someone in this forum that's familiar with it.

Suggest you read that article and any others you may find on the subject. A Google search turned up several references to this.

If you have some specific questions about how to detect a particular waveshape or frequency, then someone here may be able to help you with that.
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