we are doomed

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You guys know that was not what I've meant.
I was pointing towards poop and fart stations for collection to source the valuable energy trapped in what many people regard as disgusting.
But what the heck.
Humans can be sources of energy. How many ways can you think of?
Maybe we must look towards humans as our next source of energy.

hi arrie,
In the UK, some councils are considering using the surplus heat generated in the crematorium ovens to heat the buildings.

Who said we are a developed country, absolutely gross!!!
You are joking!!!!
(Humans can be sources of energy. How many ways can you think of?)
I was thinking about sex.
I heard a report on the radio one day about some gurus stating how much energy is released during the act. They were still puzzled about how to capture the energy released though.

Actually, I have no idea how accurate this is, but guys, think about it.....

Sure would be good for the Watermelon growers and Maybe even opening a market for Prostitution. I can hear it now ?

Have you fulfilled your energy input this week ? the grid is waiting. If you have not, we will remove that amount of energy credits from your Account.
Hmmm ?

No, a more serious note. All that fat they suck out of people has to be disposed of ?

You should have seen the grease fire on my grill last night when I was cooking Hamburgers.
Making electricity with the heat of passion during sex? MEGAWATTS!
I wish I counted how many times. 13,000? But I have only 3 kids.
You mustn't count, you must help find a way to harness the energy. Imagine, you might never ever have to burn anything again for electricity.
Think you many people would be generating electricity right now, while you are reading this......scary.
Lightning I suppose fall in the same category.
Here is one way of harnessing human power:
**broken link removed**
It uses the energy normally wasted during the walk cycle.
You could also just bicycle to work.

Lightning could not be a possibility until you can direct it to one location and then maybe or if you could harness the ability to capture ions +- and then re-direct it to a location that is able to store it.

Edit: On the other hand people are more organized in the way they are located. With some degree of probability you can know where they are and why. Lightning is therefor un-predictable.
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We've discussed lightning before. If you can capture 20% of the energy in each strike, then you need a strike every 3 days per household to supply them.

A community of 100 households would need a good strike every hour. OK, they wouldn't get all of their energy there. A strike daily would cover 4% of their needs.
Only 20%?

I suppose we're not quick enough to capture anything more decent. Well, that's it for lightning, I suppose the human thing is out, nobody seemed eager to capture human excrement and "air", then the sex thing has not really led to any great ideas.
Then there is the thing with the cows and sheep, but I suppose that's just to capture the harmful gases.
So, we're back to solar panels, wind power, fuel cells, and possibly alternative fuels, and on a smaller scale Stirling engines.
Ever wondered if there is not a liquid composition that will be better suited to solar panels, to up the efficiency rating?
Because I've been having fun with a conversion calculator this week I thought I'd throw in this tidbit.
According to a random health website that says 30 minutes of sex will burn 70 Calories that's equivilant to 292,880 Joules. According to the US health deparment a person needs 2000 Calories a day which comes out to 8,360,000 Joules, or 2324 watthours a day.
I read on a few sources that a liter of gasoline contains 34.8 MegaJoules; others say 13.64 MegaJoules.

Appears I used a bad figure. Thanks for checking my arithmetic.
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