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So you have a Dutch wife then
Talking about cultures and what is and what is not acceptable. When I was in hospital once, I got to know a male nurse from Cameroon. One thing that surprised me was that he said when he first came to England he was shocked by how rude Brit guys were. I asked him why; he said because they all address each other by their first names rather than Mr x,y, or z.
In a certain northern town members of a certain race and religion abused under age kids because they didnt respect the way western girls are. Its isnt the race itself that is the problem but the attitude of the community that makes this behavior except able. Trying not to bring religion into it but any religion that has a zero tolerance to other religions and the concept of modern holly war is never going to sit well in a western culture.

But that dosnt mean its right to tar everyone with the same brush, the guy I mentioned that I am competitive with is a seikh, I went last year to his temple during the week they open up and share meals with the community. It was the most unreligious, religious festival I have ever been too! They only asked we covered our heads, the food was excellent and everyone was ultra friendly and polite, they asked for nothing in return and I made several friends.

I spent 4 weeks in Glasgow last year during the holidays and the number of people who were outright rude and hostile to my English accent was a shock! In D&G I dont get much trouble being English, but some places in Scotland they still hold the 500 year old grudge with the English. So it boils down to individual people with a slight influence of culture, my dad always said judge the person for who they are and dont make assumptions based on there race.

In Devon I met English people who were rude, I like Scotland on the whole and give anyone who thinks what happened 500 years ago had anything to do with me. I goto church but keep my religion private, I am gobby and many dont like me but I am who I am and happy with myself. So many are unhappy with themselves and bully others because of this, simple go kiss my A rse.
That is one of the most profound posts I have ever read- you have an old head on young shoulders LG.
That is one of the most profound posts I have ever read- you have an old head on young shoulders LG.
I was close to my dad and spent alot of time with him, he was my best friend and mentor, I liked my dad alot as a person although many would describe him as marmite (you love him or hate him). My dad was very confident about himself and some of that rubbed off on me, he had an explosive temper and before his stroke could carry a full blown Ram on his shoulders all day long. He was a great role model and judged people by there deeds, the best thing I liked most was his what you see is what you get attitude.

You always knew where you stood with him, he never went behind peoples backs and hated that, too many take a shot at you while keeping anon, to me this is a cowards approach and says more about them than me. I respect anyone who says it to your face and no one who goes behind peoples backs. I am probably older than I should be but I have a alot of responsibility with my mum and sister, my dad was old fashioned in many ways and he strongly believed it was the mans duty to look after his family. He treated women better than equals and always said a man is there to protect and care for women as they are the ones that change the world by the way they nurture there children.

My mum is also really cool, but her eyes glaze over when I mention anything related to science or electronics!! My little sister is a bit better and I am teaching her to solder .
The other thing is we were a family of just 4 people, no extended family we have contact with, so we have always been very tight knit as a family.
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