Web radio with a PIC

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New Member
Would it be possible to make a web radio using a pic and some other small circiutry?
Does anyone here know of a project like this or have tried it for them self?
Would it be possible to make a web radio using a pic and some other small circiutry?
Does anyone here know of a project like this or have tried it for them self?

I do not know what you mean by a web radio?

Do you want to make a device that would hook to the internet and play music from streams produced by radio stations? Wired or WiFi ? etc
Well playing streaming audio from the internet is not very easy, but defenetly possible with a PIC. Microchip already has a free TCP/IP stack lib for there Ethernet chip. As for acutely playing it you would use a decoder IC. A MP3 decoder will do for a lot of streams but these days they like to use ogg more. They also make decoder chips that support other formats with mp3 like ogg wma acc and so on.
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Circuit Cellar - The Magazine for Computer Applications issue 216 (july 2008) ( my IE6 windows just crashed but) I see the link mentions " mp3 alarm clock with streaming, microchips ethernet chip, and a pic24".

I posted a link to that article in the magazine thread about a week ago. At that time you could download that specific article without buying the magazine.
Search the forum for circuitcellar and you should find it.
Well ihad though of a wired one. Not that i have any time for it now that we just got a baby boy ( ) but i will have it in the back of my mind and give small updates here
Actually the dsPIC has a MAD decoder project that some enthusiasts ported over from another processor.
dsPic audio player ?
However, it's got some limitations on the bitrate, it is not capable of processing the higher rate formats which are out there. Not enough time.

Be aware this is quite an advanced project right there. But even if you only get halfway and get the TCP/IP stack working and never get the MP3 decoder or analog audio interface worked out, it's still an accomplishment.
Well my first thought was a kind of a screamer radio box. like embedding the (for what i think) best web radio application out there in a pic and have some kind of display to select what contry, region and channel and then let i rip (thanks Mike and 3v0)


Picture of my son and me


  • pappa og junior.jpg
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Hey, looks just like you!

Hey, looks just like you!


A lot of people say a child looks like the parent when it is just some feature like eyes or chin.
Not the case here. I suspect he is a clone !

No way to blame this one on the UPS driver

Just kidding, the little fellow looks great.
Enjoy and be sure to employ proper safety measures when changing diapers.
Well so far the dipers are not a problem (looks like the tops of broccolie and has a sweet smell). He's really good and has hardly cried (for real i mean) just a little when he's hungry... Im so looking forward to teaching him how to solder and other (for me) necessary electronic stuff

Back to topic...

QUOTE=Oznog;327098]Actually the dsPIC has a MAD decoder project that some enthusiasts ported over from another processor.
dsPic audio player ?
However, it's got some limitations on the bitrate, it is not capable of processing the higher rate formats which are out there. Not enough time.

Be aware this is quite an advanced project right there. But even if you only get halfway and get the TCP/IP stack working and never get the MP3 decoder or analog audio interface worked out, it's still an accomplishment.[/QUOTE]

So if i get my box to "find" the desierd webradio station i should be happy, cous i have done good?

and as far as streaming radio I belive that about 128 kbps is a rate to aim at (that is the rate of the channels that i listen too)
This is the circuit cellar
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You got to love the wood buttons.
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The breadboarded unit gives a good indication of the complexity.
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Yeh i saw that but it is (as far as i know) plausibel to make what im looking for. Just takes time (and money). But it would be nice as the radio net in Norway is set to be transferd to DAB
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