Website maker buddy

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New Member
Hey everybody, I am looking for a website buddy that can help me make a new website for my BEAM club at school. I am looking for:

  • Active
  • Nice
  • Some Experience with a website
  • able to work with freewebs tools
  • e mail communicationable
  • some knowledge of BEAM robotics

This website will have schematics, links, robots, and stuff that can help people starting out with BEAM. I will update my site soon, so look out for it
On my website, I have my EE buddy sign it, dick chappels, some electronic store supplier, and some other people too!
Sorry, but my mom taught me to beware of internet people looking for a buddy. Have you tried the local truck stops? Often you can find a "good buddy" hanging around there... 10-4!
HiTech said:
Sorry, but my mom taught me to beware of internet people looking for a buddy. Have you tried the local truck stops? Often you can find a "good buddy" hanging around there... 10-4!

Bahaha. Ouch.
HTML and notepad is how I have made every website I have ever made. (and I have made quite a few) I used to know CSS pretty well, but i'm not sure if I remember much of it. I have tried using programs to lay pages out, but the code they generate is so horrible and sloppy that you can hardly read it, and its so haphazard that you can never be sure if the page will load right on a browser other then your own. Maybe they have improved , but as of a few years ago when I was really doing alot of web design, I didn't care for them.

Free web hosts and tools are okay for childish looking sites, but if you want a professional image, your going to have to shell out a few bucks a month and get a real host and learn to lay pages out with HTML atleast.
I learned from a book. Sadly, I can't find it at the moment...... what the heck did I do with it.......

Google HTML tutorial or learning HTML, its really easy and there is alot of information for beginners on the web.
Gayan Soyza said:
I’m making websites using Macromedia Dreamweaver & Adobe Photoshop.
I’m making HTML based ones.
It has been a couple of years since I did web development. Dreamweaver was my tool of choice. That along with the Zend php tools to debug server side scripts.

Once I used Dreamweaver most of the other web tools seemed like junk. Esp pagemaker.
Krumlink said:
If you could referr me to a tutorial on HTML, that would be ok I guess...
Funny you say that. I've been reading your previous responses to peoples' posts, and you seem to suggest to people to Google search first. It's a good mentality.

But you know what?
Google it first.
HTML is quite a beginner language-- very forgiving and deems appropriate for newcomers to start off. So trust me. Every possible tutorial website will be having of something to do with HTML.
Just gotta look.
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Gayan Soyza said:
I’m making websites using Macromedia Dreamweaver & Adobe Photoshop.
I’m making HTML based ones.
I was going to add that in as well. I use Dreamweaver and Front Page 2000... although Dreamweaver is better IMHO. HTML? Who bothers with that?
HiTech said:
IHTML? Who bothers with that?
I was always very anal about having my code neat and tidy and as efficient as possible.

I never mastered either program, but have tried both of them. I would imagine the learning curve is almost equal to raw HTML.
I will admit that in my former days of HTML there was a level of suspense in wondering if things would turn out properly. But with Dreamweaver and Front Page all that is behind the scenes. You can still access it, esp. for diagnostic purposes.
HiTech said:
Have you tried the local truck stops? Often you can find a "good buddy" hanging around there... 10-4!

I thought that was really hilarious!

Gayan, why is your avatar a special person's helmet?
That looks like a speelunker's helmet, perhaps? Maybe that's his hobby... cliff hanging!
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