Weighing Machines

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New Member
I'm working on an automated weighing machine project..can anyone kindly post the circuit for it.
with regards,
In kilo grams.the weighing process should be automated .i.e once user enters 2kg
only 2kg should flow from the container and the valve should be closed.
This would most likely be easiest accomplished with a development board containing a RISC processor, A/D chip, and buffered I/0. A load cell or other weighing component connects to the A/D converter, and the buffered I/0 conntcted to the valve. Under program control, the processor stores the input from the user, then reads the weight from the A/D converter ( and performs any conversion/linerization, etc ) then sends the signal to open/close the valve.

In the future, try your questions in the technical forums for better responses.
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