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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Weird or is it just my inexperience ?

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Recently I have been trying to compile a .src file, that was a link on the following website : am using mikroc pro for pic 6.6.3 on a virtual machine running Windows 7 64 bit. I noticed when creating a new project, that if I copied and pasted the src file, into the blank .c window that loads of errors were identified, and no hex file was generated ( see enclosed upload files for view of what's going on ) . However if the .src file was opened as is and not copied, into the .c window the only compilation error I get, is the main function is not defined Message 357.No header file has been added to this project as yet , but configuration bits have been set, such as code protect disabled brownout etc.It is to be burnt to a pic 16 f870 chip if and when I can get it to generate a hex file.

Any ideas with what can be seen within the uploaded files, will be much appreciated.


  • bench.src.txt
    18 KB · Views: 250
  • errors and messages.txt
    1.9 KB · Views: 373
  • error message 2.txt
    1.5 KB · Views: 333
  • power.c
    18 KB · Views: 323
You don't have the right file you have the asm output file and they had the hex you need a file that's not there. It's called the mcppi there's 14 files that make up a project
And none are called src that's a asm file if you open it you can see that.
If it was a .c file like the main.c you could use it.
This is what you have it's not a .c file
//        Software regulated bench power supply

//        Full PID implementation of voltage regulation

        device        PIC16F870,pwrt_off,wdt_on,hs_osc

SRDAT        =        rc.1
SRCLK        =        rc.3
LEDON        =        rc.7

        org        20h
butime        ds        2
func        ds        1
vsave        ds        1
data        ds        1
temp        ds        1
temp1        ds        1
count        ds        1
pwidth        ds        1
lpcnt        ds        1
lpxnt        ds        1
offcnt        ds        1
slowf        ds        1
hi        ds        1
low        ds        1
zhi        ds        1
zlow        ds        1
thi        ds        1
tlow        ds        1
adjhi        ds        1
adjlo        ds        1
vhi        ds        1
vlo        ds        1
lasthi        ds        1
lastlo        ds        1
alo        ds        1
ahi        ds        1
amax        ds        1
pwmhi        ds        1
pwmlo        ds        1
vset        ds        1
xvset        ds        1
shaft        ds        1
del0        ds        1
del1        ds        1
clean        ds        1
seqnr        ds        1
vsegs        ds        3
asegs        ds        3

flag        ds        1

NZ        =        flag.0
OKBUT        =        flag.1                ;ok for next button
BHIT        =        flag.2                ;button is hit
DOWDT        =        flag.3                ;enable watchdog in delay loop
BUTON        =        flag.4                ;button state
BHELD        =        flag.5                ;button held down

flag1        ds        1

RINC        =        flag1.0                ;rotor increment
RDEC        =        flag1.1                ;rotor decrement

        org        0
        goto        start
        org        4
drvseg        addwf        PCL
        retw        90h,0A0h,0B0h,0D0h,0E0h,0F0h

digseg        addwf        PCL
        retw        3fh,6h,5bh,4fh,66h,6dh,7dh,7h,7fh,67h

funcs        addwf        PCL
        retw        77h,38h,6        ;ALI

start        clrf        status
        movlw        0Ch                ;set pwm mode
        movwf        CCP1CON
        bsf        status,5
        movlw        11111b                ;set for analog inputs
        movwf        TRISA
        movlw        7
        movwf        TRISB
        movlw        0
        movwf        TRISC
        movlw        255
        movwf        PR2                ;set pwm period
        movlw        80h                ;right justify 5 analog input channels
        movwf        ADCON1
        bcf        status,5
        movlw        4
        movwf        T2CON
        clrf        pwmlo
        clrf        pwmhi
        clrf        lasthi
        clrf        lastlo
        clrf        alo
        clrf        ahi
        clrf        seqnr
        clrf        data
        clrf        vset
        movlw        200
        movwf        amax
        movf        rb,w
        movwf        shaft

cycle        clrwdt
        call        getvlt                ;read the voltage
        call        efac2                ;get the proportional error
        call        clamp                ;limit amount
        call        newpwm                ;+/- to power
        call        diffi                ;get the differencial error
        call        newpwm                ;adjust power
        call        chekov                ;check limits
        call        slowp                ;do the integral
        call        setpwm                ;send to the hardware
        decfsz        lpcnt
        goto        cycle
        movlw        20
        movwf        lpcnt
        call        readsi                ;read the input
        call        nxtdsp
        call        dispv        
        call        calcv
        call        onoff
        call        getamp                ;read amps
        decfsz        lpxnt
        goto        cycle
        movlw        200
        movwf        lpxnt
        call        dispa                ;display amps
        goto        cycle

onoff        btfsc        BUTON
        goto        :byp
        movf        alo,w
        movwf        low
        movf        ahi,w
        movwf        hi
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
        movf        amax,w
        subwf        low,w
        btfsc        c
        goto        :off                ;power off.
:byp        call        button
        btfss        BHIT
        bcf        BHIT
:off        clrf        hi
        clrf        low
        call        dopwm                ;power off
:wait        clrwdt
        call        button
        btfss        BHIT
        goto        :cont
        bcf        BHIT
        movf        rb,w
        movwf        shaft
:cont        movlw        50
        call        delay1
        clrf        vsegs
        clrf        vsegs+1
        clrf        vsegs+2
        clrf        asegs
        clrf        asegs+1
        clrf        asegs+2
        bsf        asegs+2,7
        call        nxtdsp
        call        chkset
        goto        :wait

button        btfss        rb,0                ;read switch
        goto        :but                ;button down - toggle state
        bcf        BUTON
        bcf        BHELD
        bcf        BHIT
        movlw        2
        movwf        butime+1
        clrf        butime
        decfsz        offcnt
        bsf        OKBUT
:but        movlw        50
        movwf        offcnt
        decfsz        butime
        goto        :ok
        decfsz        butime+1
        goto        :ok
        bsf        BHELD
:ok        bsf        BUTON
        btfss        OKBUT
        bcf        OKBUT
        bsf        BHIT                ;button hit valid

chkset        btfss        BHELD                ;check button state
        bcf        BHELD
        clrf        func
:wait        clrwdt
        call        button
        btfsc        BHELD
        goto        :back
        call        showf
        call        setmax
        movf        amax,w
        movwf        low
        clrf        hi
        bcf        c
        rlf        low
        rlf        hi
        movlw        asegs
        call        dexi
        bsf        asegs,7
        call        nxtdsp
        bcf        BHIT
        movlw        50
        call        delay1
        goto        :wait
:back        bcf        BHELD

showf        movf        func,w
        addwf        func,w
        addwf        func,w                ;func x 3
        movwf        temp
        call        funcs
        movwf        vsegs
        incf        temp
        movf        temp,w
        call        funcs
        movwf        vsegs+1
        incf        temp
        movf        temp,w
        call        funcs
        movwf        vsegs+2

; read shaft encoder        

readsi        call        rotor
        btfsc        RINC
        goto        :more
        btfsc        RDEC
        goto        :less
:less        movf        vset                ;set z flag
        btfsc        z
        goto        :done
        decf        vset
        goto        :done
:more        incf        vset
        movf        vset,w
        xorlw        201
        btfss        z
        goto        :done
        decf        vset
:done        ret

setmax        call        rotor
        btfsc        RINC
        goto        :more
        btfsc        RDEC
        goto        :less
:less        movf        amax
        btfsc        z
        decf        amax
:more        incf        amax
        movf        amax,w
        xorlw        251
        btfss        z
        decf        amax


rotor        bcf        RINC
        bcf        RDEC
        movf        rb,w                ;get quad bits
        movwf        temp
        movwf        data
        xorwf        shaft,w
        andlw        6                ;isolate bits
        btfsc        z                ;match?
        ret                        ;yes - return z-set
        movf        shaft,w
        rlf        temp
        xorwf        temp
        btfsc        temp,2
        goto        :up
:down        decf        xvset
        goto        :ok
:up        incf        xvset
:ok        btfss        data,1
        goto        :skip
        btfss        data,2                ;both bits low ?
        goto        :skip                ;no.
        movf        xvset,w
        xorlw        4
        btfsc        z
        goto        :more
        movf        xvset,w
        xorlw        -4
        btfsc        z
        goto        :less
        goto        :done
:less        bsf        RDEC
        goto        :done
:more        bsf        RINC
:done        clrf        xvset
:skip        movf        data,w
        movwf        shaft


calcv        movf        vset,w
        movwf        low
        movlw        73
        call        mult
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
        movf        low,w
        movwf        adjlo
        movf        hi,w
        andlw        3
        movwf        adjhi

slowp        decfsz        slowf                ;get timeing factor
        movlw        20
        movwf        slowf
        movf        vhi,w
        subwf        adjhi,w
        btfsc        z
        goto        :chklo
:chk        btfss        c
        goto        :dn
        incf        pwmlo
        btfsc        z
        incf        pwmhi
:dn        decf        pwmlo
        movf        pwmlo,w
        xorlw        0ffh
        btfsc        z
        decf        pwmhi
        movf        pwmlo,w
        xorlw        0ffh
        btfss        z
        clrf        pwmlo
        clrf        pwmhi
:chklo        movf        vlo,w
        subwf        adjlo,w
        btfss        z                ;exact match?
        goto        :chk
        ret                        ;no - action.

diffi        clrf        hi
        movf        vlo,w
        subwf        lastlo,w        ;find last reading
        movwf        low
        btfss        c
        decf        hi
        movf        vhi,w
        subwf        lasthi,w
        addwf        hi
        movf        vlo,w
        movwf        lastlo
        movf        vhi,w
        movwf        lasthi

; get error factor in hi/low

efac1        clrf        hi
        movf        vlo,w
        subwf        adjlo,w
        movwf        low
        btfss        c
        decf        hi
        movf        vhi,w
        subwf        adjhi,w
        addwf        hi

efac2        call        efac1
        btfsc        hi,7                ;negative value?
        goto        :neg
        bcf        c
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
        bcf        c
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
:neg        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
        bsf        hi,7
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
        bsf        hi,7

clamp        btfsc        hi,7
        ret                        ;only process positive corrections
        movf        hi,w
        btfss        z
        goto        :max
        movf        low,w
        sublw        10
        btfss        c
        goto        :max
:max        movlw        10
        movwf        low
        clrf        hi
; adjust new PWM value using hi/low

newpwm        movf        low,w
        addwf        pwmlo
        btfsc        c
        incf        pwmhi
        movf        hi,w
        addwf        pwmhi
; check PWM value for in range 0 to 3ff.

chekov        btfsc        pwmhi,7                ;underflow?
        goto        :min
        movf        pwmhi,w
        andlw        0FCh                ;overflow?
        btfsc        z
        ret                        ;no - in range
        movlw        3
        movwf        pwmhi
        movlw        0FFh
        movwf        pwmlo
:min        clrf        pwmhi
        clrf        pwmlo

; sets 10 bit pwm value in CCP1CON<5,4>/CCPR1L<7-0>

setpwm        movf        pwmlo,w
        movwf        low
        movf        pwmhi,w
        movwf        hi
dopwm        movf        low,w
        movwf        temp
        swapf        temp
        movf        temp,w
        andlw        30h
        iorlw        0Ch                ;set for pwm mode
        movwf        CCP1CON
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low                ;hi 8 bits
        movf        low,w
        movwf        CCPR1L

; multiply w by low into low/hi

mult        movwf        temp
        movlw        8
        movwf        count
        movf        low,w
        movwf        temp1
        clrf        low
        clrf        hi
        movf        temp,w
        bcf        c
:loop        rrf        temp1
        btfsc        c
        addwf        hi
        rrf        hi
        rrf        low
        decfsz        count
        goto        :loop

getvlt        movlw        0
        call        atod
        movf        low,w
        movwf        vlo
        movf        hi,w
        movwf        vhi

getamp        movlw        1
        call        atod
        movf        low,w
        movwf        alo
        movf        hi,w
        movwf        ahi


dispv        movf        vset,w
        movwf        low
        clrf        hi
        movlw        vsegs
        call        dexi
        bsf        vsegs+1,7
dispa        movf        alo,w
        movwf        low
        movf        ahi,w
        movwf        hi
        movlw        asegs
        call        dexi
        bsf        asegs,7
; decimal values up to 1000 converted directly into
; segment values

dexi        movwf        FSR                ;place to put data
        bcf        NZ
        movlw        100<
        movwf        thi
        movlw        100>
        movwf        tlow
        call        :digit
        movlw        10<
        movwf        thi
        movlw        10>
        movwf        tlow
        call        :digit
        movlw        1<
        movwf        thi
        movlw        1>
        movwf        tlow
        call        :digit

:digit        clrf        count
:dig1        call        dsub
        btfsc        hi,7
        goto        :dig2
        bsf        NZ
        incf        count
        goto        :dig1
:dig2        call        dadd
        movf        count,w
        sublw        9
        btfss        c
        goto        :err
        movf        count,w
        call        digseg                ;get segment data
:done        movwf        0                ;store.
        incf        FSR
:err        movlw        49h
        goto        :done
dsub        movf        tlow,w
        subwf        low
        btfss        c
        decf        hi
        movf        thi,w
        subwf        hi

dadd        movf        tlow,w
        addwf        low
        btfsc        c
        incf        hi
        movf        thi,w
        addwf        hi

nxtdsp        incf        seqnr
        movf        seqnr,w
        xorlw        6                ;past end of list?
        btfss        z
        goto        :ok
        clrf        seqnr
:ok        bcf        LEDON                ;disable all displays
        movf        seqnr,w
        addlw        vsegs                ;base of segment data
        movwf        FSR
        movf        0,w                ;get segment data
        movwf        temp
        movlw        8
        movwf        count
:shft        bcf        SRDAT
        btfss        temp,7                ;hi order first
        bsf        SRDAT                ;reverse sense
        bsf        SRCLK
        bcf        SRCLK                ;shift it out
        rlf        temp
        decfsz        count
        goto        :shft
        movf        seqnr,w
        call        drvseg
        movwf        temp
        movf        rc,w
        andlw        0Fh
        iorwf        temp,w
        movwf        rc                ;select new digit

; read atod channel set by 'w'
; result in hi/low

atod        movwf        temp                ;get channel (0-4)
        bcf        c
        rlf        temp
        rlf        temp
        rlf        temp                ;put in place
        movlw        81h                ;/32 clock, power up
        iorwf        temp,w
        movwf        ADCON0
        movlw        2
        call        delay
        bsf        ADCON0,2
:chk        btfsc        ADCON0,2        ;check for conversion complete
        goto        :chk
        bsf        status,5
        movf        ADRESL,w
        bcf        status,5
        movwf        low
        movf        ADRESH,w
        movwf        hi

delay1        bsf        DOWDT
delay        movwf        del1
:d1        movwf        del0
:d2        btfsc        DOWDT
        decfsz        del0
        goto        :d2
        decfsz        del1
        goto        :d1
        bcf        DOWDT
I don't think I'm being obnoxious I told you what your problem is you're using a Asm source file or what they call a listing you can't compile that and like I said he has a hex file for it posted on his site it's called it's the object file
Oh and you probably made the only person on this site that would have probably helped you get to C file I kind of spent an hour working on this last night for you and this is what I get
I apologise for any comments I have made ,and do appreciate any efforts made to resolve my issues. It is difficult when you don't have the knowledge or experience, to kick a gift horse in the mouth. Instead of realising the answer was there all along and over complicating things when you don't need to. How could I have possibly known what time you had spent on this anyway unless you stated it, which you have now.
I worked on it last night but sleep got me lol but it has the hex to burn into the pic on the site but I'll post the main c file this weekend
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