Well, this is just about the dumbest thing...

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Well-Known Member
Was shopping at the store and noticed a can of cashew nuts that had "May contain peanuts inside" !!! Duh, that's like a bottle of juice stating that it may contain water.
My wife has a kid at her school that is allergic to peanuts. So not even PB and J's are allowed at the school.
They use the same processing equipment just different cooking times or whatever. They have to put those warnings on the side because some people have anaphylactic shock with even the slightest exposure to peanut oil. A single peanut for someone with a bad peanut allergy can kill if they don't have their emergency medication on them. My step-son has a peanut allergy but it's repulsive, I think you can guess what that means =) If you find a container that doesn't have that peanut warning on the can you can be sure they use dedicated cashew handling equipment, otherwise they could be found liable for the death of someone with a bad peanut alergy consuming their product. It's very very rare but some people will even go into anaphylactic shock simply from touch peanut oil.
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Cashew nuts are not peanuts, you can be allergic to peanuts and not allergic to cashew nuts you know.
Even the odor

Some people even can have an attack if they smell peanuts sounds crazy.

My wife's is a Director of a Daycare she had a Teacher who had to quit because she couldn't be near the kitchen when they cooked peanut butter cookies. Even afterward.

They now have a new study out that involves bringing people into contact with peanuts and in someway I'm not sure how. But, under strict clinical observation they are slowly brought back to semi-normal and then through continued conditioning of the immune system they can be cured.

anaphylactic shock no laughing matter.

some people have anaphylactic shock with even the slightest exposure to peanut oil. A single peanut for someone with a bad peanut allergy can kill if they don't have their emergency medication on them.

I don't even wish anaphylactic shock on an enemy. I would rather have someone choke me out before that.

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Hero, as I said in my last post, nut companies tend to use the same machines to process peanuts as they do cashews, occasionally a peanut is going to work it's way into the cashew bags especially during batch line changes. The cans of cashews that DON'T have this warning on them are from companies that have dedicated cashew handling machinery where there is no chance a peanut could work it's way in.
Was shopping at the store and noticed a can of cashew nuts that had "May contain peanuts inside" !!!
It would have been funnier if it had said, "May contain traces of nuts."
They should also label cans of pork and beans with, "May contain traces of meat."
Just for you kchriste.
No seriously it's real. It's a generic warning from some factories because some people have similar 'nut' allergies =P It's a generic protein allergy with tree nuts that some people have. You'll see the same warning on walnuts and some other products. Notice the gluten warning as well =) VERY paranoid company.


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Cashew nuts are not peanuts, you can be allergic to peanuts and not allergic to cashew nuts you know.

Even worse, peanuts aren't even nuts. I keep forgetting that at the office. I have a coworker who's got a nut allergy and I keep thinking we can't share the peanut butter cookies with him.

Yes they are legumes as well, they're called ground nuts because they grow very close to the surface and get forced undeground to ripen if they're not messed with.

I'm just reading this thread again from the top. We're a bunch of freegin nuts =)
Yes they are legumes as well, they're called ground nuts because they grow very close to the surface and get forced undeground to ripen if they're not messed with.

Right, but botanically they're not nuts. Like ladybugs aren't bugs.

What, me pick nits? Never! (Now where'd I leave my damn beer?)

I'm just reading this thread again from the top. We're a bunch of freegin nuts =)

I was thinking the exact same thing.

I always liked the name "goober" instead of "peanut". Probably because I ran into some old Super Goof comics as a kid.

Torben, a 'nut' is a generic term. The first description I find in the dictionary is "a dry fruit consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell."

So lets see who can pick the best nits =)
Torben, a 'nut' is a generic term. The first description I find in the dictionary is "a dry fruit consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell."

So lets see who can pick the best nits =)

Oh, I agree--in the vernacular. In biology the definition of "nut" is much more restrictive. In common terms they might as well be the same thing but medically and biologically it's not useful to conflate them.


I think the distinction between peanuts and "Nuts" Is that peanuts are seeds contained in a sutured shell the breaks open to disperse the seed. Nuts are fruits that have hard shells which do not open for seed dispersal, rather the seed within the nut must be dispersed by animal ingestion or other mechanical means. Brazil nuts and Almonds are also not classified as nuts. Those taxonomist are nit picky.
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