Wemos (Esp8266) I2C_Lcd issues

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dr pepper

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I have a wemos D1 mini.
It connects to my wifi no problem and does what I want.
I just added a Lcd to the project, and due to shortage of pins I used a I2C 2*16 Lcd (a standard parallel display with a I2C backpack).
If I run lcd.begin, the wemos will not connect to the net for some reason.
If I run lcd.begin and then reprogram the wemos without cycling power to the display the display will work and the wemos talks to the internet, so it definately looks like lcd.begin is messing things up.
Its a long shot as I know few have played with these but if anyone has any ideas?
Susssed it.
After much fiddling and code examining.
Looks like the clock freq and delay() are the cause, delay is way out of calibration.
Moving lcd.begin to the main loop and using a memory bit to run it only once has sorted the issue.
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