We're Back!!! Downtime information..

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Okay guys, am very happy to say that this site is back online and should stay that way. It's been a very long weekend so I'll just be brief at the moment.

We have experiences a massive downtime and it was due to a main power transformer literally blowing up in the data center where our server was located. This has caused massive upset, with no only this server but about 9,000 others around the internet. An estimated 1,000,000 sites have been down for the last few days which is one of the biggest downtime any data center has encountered..

The site is current running on generators but we believe that this will not affect the site in any way. Things should run as normal.

Right, Im off to bed for a well deserved sleep! Please do post any problems and I will attend to them as soon as possible.

I will be over the next week be looking at redundancy for this site but it does come at a cost.

Thank you for your patience.
WHAT!? You mean there was an explosion, and you didn't get any pictures!? Oh well.

Thanks for taking time to keep us posted.
Do a search on ThePlanet fire explosion and you'll find lots of interesting info.

I've been keenly following the story since the news of the blast was first announced.
Hiya Electro,
It's funny how when your server went so did my mates who is based in holland. All his name servers went down which meant over 1,000 sites went down. I have to ask for my friend exactly what datacentre went down to see where it was, and that did infect his domain. It did effect IRC but luckily we do have backup. If you would like to make this private P.M. me.

Best Regards

Well have to say, got my sites up during 9/11 in 3 hours by redesigning the eigrp /bpg to our fail links, slower but was up! The remote small sites were on isdn backup automagicly running IPSEC over gre tunneling.

So really this could have been voided if the wan was implemented properly at the hosting sites

I guess with the full details it's unfair to say that, as who really knows what happened.

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