What AC adapter to use?

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Hello Reader,

I am Planning on Making a circuit in which a laser is attached to a switch and AC Adapter.

The Laser module that i am using is:

- Red Laser Module - Focusable Dot (3.5V~4.5V 16mm 5mW)

I am don't know what suitable AC adapter should be used so that it won't cause the laser to blow up and still achieve a bright laser light.

Any help would be great full.



  • Adapter To laser.JPG
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3.5V to 4.5V is not the current, it is the range of voltage that lots of these lasers need. Some need 3.5V and others need 4.5V and some are in between. If you feed the wrong voltage then the laser could be destroyed.
3.5V to 4.5V is not the current, it is the range of voltage that lots of these lasers need. Some need 3.5V and others need 4.5V and some are in between. If you feed the wrong voltage then the laser could be destroyed.

so, in order for me to find the right AC adapter, i must look @ the adapter's output and see if it correctly abides by to 3.5V - 4.5V?
You are confusing current with voltage.
They are not the same and don't like to be confused.
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My laser pointer uses the internal resistance of its button battery cells to limit the current. The cells total 4.5V without a load and the voltage drops to about 3.3V when the laser diode draws current. The laser might work if I feed it exactly 3.3V but limiting the current with a resistor is safer.
Voltage is the electrical pressure, current is the amount of electrical flow.
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