What accessories to buy?

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Active Member
Hey gang,
I'm just learning how to use the PIC in my microcontrollers class, and I want to start playing with it on my own. I could never force myself to learn it on my own.

Anyhoo, I'm going to be ordering some components pretty soon. I just got a $1000.00 paycheck for 2 weeks paid vacation that I never took, and I think I'm going to spoil myself with a good portion of it, and I'd like to spend as little as possible of it on shipping.

I'll probably be using the pic for a variety of projects...motor control, LEDs, ect...So what are some 'accessories' that I should order? and what do you guys usually use with your pic's?

Oh yeah, and does anyone know if the ULN2803 transistor array was discontinued? I cant seem to find anyone that has them.
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