What am i doing wrong? First project

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New Member
I'am trying to built a simple circuit that will adjust the brightness of an LED depending on the input voltage.
Im using a 4mhz crystal and i have pins 8 and 19 grounded, pin 20 +5Volts
The chip is a pic16f876
Ive attached the settings on my stuff.

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I think this is the first time I've heard of a microcontroller being programmed in ladder logic, does the AVR support this? Sorry that I'm unable to answer your question :\
The author has a very nice tutorial about turning On/Off a LED with a push button. It also use a 16F876 as yours.

Have you tried it out yet? It is so important that one should follow the tutorial to prove that every step of the process is happening smoothly and have chance sort out any hardware/software problem one might encounter.

Many don't appreciate the importance of flashing a LED on a PIC or AVR and think it is a childish act. They will never understand its the whole process that counts.
Salgat said:
I think this is the first time I've heard of a microcontroller being programmed in ladder logic, does the AVR support this? Sorry that I'm unable to answer your question :\
Me too, I thought ladder logic was just a PLC thing.
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