What are fun things to make

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New Member
I am always wanted to build little electronics things but I can't really think of things that are fun to build then use. I usually build a few LED things here and there.

I made a FM 'spy microphone' in school and that was pretty fun, I kinda wanted make a better one or to use the same concept to build walkie talkies, but I've been reading that there are zones which radios don't pick up(Both above and below) that you can make FM transmitters pickup/send. Any good schematics on these?(Like say connect a PC mic to the circuit board with a button to press to talk) I would like to build good quality ones but being able to go a fair distance with fairly clear sound would be cool, maybe 500-1km would be ideal, would being able to do that just give a simple design one a better reciever/microphone?

Any other suggestions on fun projects?
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