What component is that?

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New Member
Hi - I have a circuitry as per attach. does anyone know what does the "910" mean?


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How do you expect this to work? Where are you getting this from? It works on boats because they are in the water. You need a path for the electrons to take. Air won't work. Read the link that Nigel posted in your other topic.
My American car is over 3 years old, drives on the salty roads in winter and is always outside. It has a few paint chips but no rust. I washed it once. It always looks clean and shiny.
The anti-rust things are a huge rip-off.
that is why I'm looking for a circuitry as a DIY. It is not only a rip off, it a national rip off for a simple circuitry which cost less than maybe USD1.
that is why I'm looking for a circuitry as a DIY. It is not only a rip off, it a national rip off for a simple circuitry which cost less than maybe USD1.

I think what AudioGuru is trying to tell you is the circuit had nothing to do with your friends car having no rust. and staying clean and shiny. It would have been this way with or without the circuit.
The way I see it is this, you will have to insulate your anode from your cathode, else you will have a dead short and lots of burnt wires and blown fuses, so there is no path for current to flow. No electrons can move. They are stuck. Now if you immerse your car in a meduim like salty water, a small amount of current (electrons) can flow though the water and complete a circuit. In open air no current can flow and you just end up with an incomplete circuit. It will do nothing.
Once the ANODE end is connected to the car body...... it is a direct connecton between the 12+ to the EARTH.
Why does it use two 910R resistors in parallel?

Why not just use a single 470R resistor?

How does the LED stop it rusting?

I don't see how this could work.
My rust protector circuit keeps me safe from elephant attack, haven't been attacked since I put it on!!
My rust protector circuit protects me from asteroids and space trash. My car has been dent free ever since. Now that's proof!
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