On some capacitors with any capacity, we see 105 degrees Celsius written, what does this mean?
1- Can the capacitor withstand 105 degrees at rated load?
2- Can the capacitor withstand 105 degrees at 1/4 nominal load?
If the capacitor is not used at an ambient temperature of 25 degrees, what happens to the coefficient of performance of the capacitor? Does the tolerance of 105 degrees change? Will it be more or less?
Read the datasheet for the exact capacitor in question - it varies wildly depending on the quality of the capacitor, and usually gives an estimated lifespan at various temperatures.
Cheap crap 105 degree capacitors don't last even a year at well below 105 degrees.
Read the datasheet for the exact capacitor in question - it varies wildly depending on the quality of the capacitor, and usually gives an estimated lifespan at various temperatures.
Cheap crap 105 degree capacitors don't last even a year at well below 105 degrees.
All these questions have answers in the data sheet, and application data from the maker.
Who makes the cap? Somewhere on their WWW, hidden, are graphs of lifetime verses temperature. Also capacitor value verses temp. and ESR vs temp. etc.
If you can't find it, try a different company.