What does this #define do?

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It will simply replace every occurance of "TGLCD_DATA" in the program with "output_low(PIN_A0)" - which isn't PIC assembler?.
baberjaved said:
and What does this output_d() command do?

As you don't mention what processor it's for, what language it's supposed to be, and specifically which compiler it is, how are we supposed to know?.
its was for PIC-C... anyways its used for writing something to PORTD... so output_d() is used to output something on PORTD
Hi baberjaved,

Looks like you need to learn your compiler. This is directly from CCS help file:

output_d (value)

Parameters: value is a 8 bit int

Output an entire byte to a port. The direction register is changed in accordance with the last specified #USE *_IO directive.

Examples: OUTPUT_B(0xf0);

Example Files: ex_patg.c

You can find the flie ex_patg.c in your examples folder. Hope this helps.
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