What Integrated circuit should I use for my accent lighting project in my truck?

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New Member
I'm a chemical engineering student and my roommate is an electrical engineering student, but he doesn't know what I need.
This should be a very simple question if the circuit exists.

Basically what I have is.

Input 1. 12v (If it needs to be dropped to 5v I will ask more questions)
Input 2. 12v

What I need is.

Output 1
Output 2

When input 1 is active, Output 1 is active
When input 2 is active, Output 1 and 2 are active.

The goal

My goal is that When I open the door I want a lot of light around the feet area because at night it gets dark and it will help light up the area. When the door is closed but the truck is on, it will be nice to have some dull accent lighting around the feet just for effect.

Input 1. 12v ----- (when I turn the key to the on position.)
Input 2. 12v ----- (Active when I open the vehicle door)
Output 1-(Goes to LED 1,3,5,7)
Output 2- (Goes to LED 2,4,6,8)

Any Ideas?

Picture is drawn poorly, each strand will be in parallel to keep 12v, not parallel/series.
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close up of circuit before led's

Output 1 is active when Input 1 is active
Output 1 and 2 are active when input 2 is active
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All you need are a couple of diodes:

For up to 1 amp on Output 1, some 1N4001, 1N4002, etc diodes will work.
For up to 3 amps on Output 1,some 1N5400, 1N5401, etc diodes will work.


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All you need are a couple of diodes:

For up to 1 amp on Output 1, some 1N4001, 1N4002, etc diodes will work.
For up to 3 amps on Output 1,some 1N5400, 1N5401, etc diodes will work.

I guess I don't really understand how diodes work. I've taken advanced physics, but we never got past RLC circuits. I'm currently searching for a good site that will explain how these will work so I can understand before I follow the chart blindly and short something . It's late and I don't want to call my roommate to ask him.

Any good website you guys know that will explain how these work?
Nitpicker disclaimer:
First I'll say that electricity really flows from negative to positive.
But if you look at it from the point of view of the "flow of positive charge", ie: from positive to negative, you'll understand the diodes in the circuit above.

The circuit:
The current in the diodes flows in the direction of the arrows. Current is blocked in the reverse direction. So you can see that a positive voltage on Input1 can only go to Output1, but a positive voltage on Input2 can go to both outputs.
A wiki link for you on diodes.
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