I have an old graphics card that I'm using for a teardown. The board has a part uP1509P in QFN-20 package. I have found several sellers who claim to have them in stock but can't find a datasheet. I need a description of the part and hopefully a link to a datasheet.
A uPB1509 has a datasheet that says it is a pre-scaler which seems plausible for a graphics card where several frequencies are derived from a higher one.
The board has another part I can't identify. It's marked AM1132 20-pin package. Given that it's board designation is in the 900 series, I assume its part of a DC-DC converter on the board. The other parts in the 900 series include power MOSFETs (IRF6894 and IRF6811) and power inductor Eaton FP1505R1. Also two 100 uF 16V capacitors.