What is best BC547 or 2N2222?

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In JDM programmers the two transistors they used BC547 in mostly.

I made the same circuit with 2N2222 transistor but it didn’t work. But the programming software detects the programmer. But I cannot read the PIC & program the PIC.
Do you have a 'scope so that you can check what is happening ? Perhaps you have the 2N2222 in the wrong way around.
oops I don't have a scope. I have checked twice the base collector & emitter of 2N2222 & they seems to be ok.

I haven't see a programmer that build with 2N2222 all JDM types using BC547.

I want to clarify whats the different between them.

Our town is far away until I go there I have to bare with this 2N 2222.

you can verywell use BC547 as it works very cheap . only the pin out need be checked while mounting the component.
All it requires is a general purpose silicon transistor of the correct polarity, pretty well anything will work, it's only used as a simple switch. As suggested, you may be connectng it the wrong way?.
The suggestion is not, i fear, for connecting in wrong way please--(in lighter sense)

the author FENG himself was clarifying at his site how not to connect.
Hi I replaced my 2N2222 to BC 547 & it worked for 84A & 628A through ICSP connector.

But when I try to program 877A it won't program through ICSP connector.

Note: I didn't use the PGM pin only using the standard 5 pins that is Vdd, Vss, PGD, PGC, MCLR

Also in 877A has two VDD & two VSS pins each.I use only one VDD & one VSS.

I'm using ICPROG 1.05 & winpic.


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Suraj143 said:
Note: I didn't use the PGM pin only using the standard 5 pins that is Vdd, Vss, PGD, PGC, MCLR

Try RB3 connecting to ground without making that pin to be float.
Suraj143 said:
Also in 877A has two VDD & two VSS pins each.I use only one VDD & one VSS.

Have you checked if they are joined internally?, I didn't think they were?, so ensure you connect all of them.
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