Zdá se, že doby inkvizice a nacismu, kdy se hromadně rituálně pálily zakázané knihy, znovu přichází. A děje se tak v progresivistické Kanadě. Jak nyní informuje veřejnoprávní Radio Canada, s vyřazováním „škodlivých“ knih ze školních knihoven a jejich rituálním spalováním se začalo v Ontáriu už v...
A controversial reconciliation idea that saw students at a school in Canada burn 4700 books is now playing out in the country’s federal election campaign.
An Ontario school board has said that they now "regret" the 2019 educational program that saw books burned and used as fertilizer in the spirit of "reconciliation."
In addition to the controversy surrounding the program's destruction of books, CSC Providence told CTV News Toronto that one leader involved, Suzy Kies — the co-chair of the Indigenous peoples' commission of the Liberal Party of Canada — does not in fact have status with Indigenous Services Canada.
“CSC Providence has learned of the shocking revelations … about Suzy Kies. We are deeply troubled and concerned,” Lynn Cosette, a communications agent for the school board, told CTV News Toronto.
I don't know about that but a similar thing is trying to be brought into American schools, CRT. No longer will any thing be talked about concerning slavery, jim crow, moving the Native Americans from their home lands and etc. Because to a certain political party it makes white people look bad. Ignorance is rampant or maybe it's the new pandemic.
Coined by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, Critical Race Theory is the practice of interrogating race and racism in society that emerged in the legal academy and spread to other fields of scholarship.
There is an old saying (that I can't remember well enough to quote), something about:
Pretending unpleasant events or atrocities never happened, just means they are more likely to be repeated.
History is history, it's not there to edit for someone or others convenience.
I don't agree with it either. History is history and it's up to those living now to admit to it and change how things are done to make life better. Better for every one not just some.
I am not sure I agree with the re-writing of history by renaming schools, streets and replacing statues.
Just like renaming something that to some, appears gender-specific, a recent one here was the removal of 'Man' in 'Museum of Man and nature'.
I remember a while back in the US, someone wanted to ban Huckleberry Finn as racist.
I am not sure I agree with the re-writing of history by renaming schools, streets and replacing statues.
Just like renaming something that to some, appears gender-specific, a recent one here was the removal of 'Man' in 'Museum of Man and nature'.
I remember a while back in the US, someone wanted to ban Huckleberry Finn as racist.
I think you're referring to
“Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It.”
Thought to have been originated by George Santayana a professor in philosophy at Harvard.
I found an interesting article refuting the saying.