What is the difference?

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to all respectable member i an neweb in the field of electronic basically i am attach with field of mobile software and hardware now i built the device for mobile repairing software i have got the pcb schematic and hex file my device need the pic ic 16F876 while available in country is 16f877

can any body expplain what is the differene between 16f876 and 16f877.

can i use the 16f877 instead of 16f876

hope everyone wiill cooperate
thanks in advance

and waiting for reply
There is not much of a difference in this two PIC, apart that the 16F876 has 28 pins and that the 16F877 has 40. With 40 pins there are ports to use. Nevertheless both PIC use the same datasheet, and instruction set, so if you have a hex file written for the 16F876 chances are that it might work for the 16F877, but not viceversa.

Try it and let us know how it goes.



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