What is the significans of 'A' , 'H' ?

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I dunno...I'm guessing because they sound so similar when you say it aloud.
With some American accents the "a" and "i" sounds are similar. Accents can cause other problems too, in southern England, New Zealand and Austrailia A is pronounced as an R in some words like ask, grass, after ect. "t" sounds are replaced with d in many countries so water becomes wa-d-er or is missed off totally Londern and south eastern Engalnd so computer is pronounced as compu?er (a trend which is slowly spreading).

Now let's not even get started on th-fronting. I carn' even fink abou? ow a comp?uer could tell whever I'm sayin free as in 3 or free as in it doesn' cost anyfin.

I wouldn't bother writing speech recognition software, it's sounds like too much of a headache.
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No not like the , i was studyed the frequency band / speech parameters in the both and compare it with other A-Z , i found that these two act as center for other means these two has the all parameter which is belongs to the other. thats why in speech recognation these are more imp.
this is my concl`n , any way thank for reply
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