Hello! This metal box is at the back of a small 6-can mini-fridge (40W on DC power) below a thermal-electric module (TES1-12704) and heatsink. It has a power line running to/from it and four screws on the inside of the fridge, but I'm not sure what it is. Any idea what this metal box component is?
Bonus question:
This mini fridge, Gourmia GMF-600W, is no longer getting cold enough. I replaced a broken AC to DC transformer (shown at the bottom) with an external 12V-10amp power supply because - after my wife turned it off and cleaned it with a dust blower - the LED power indicator started faintly blinking, the fan wouldnt start, and the transformer was only outputing 1~2V at intervals. The fridge is rated for 45W on AC power and 40W on DC so this power supply should be sufficient. The thermal-electric module is definitly cooling because the very back of the fridge is cold, but not the air inside. I'm not sure what else could be causing the problem except the (unknown) metal box. Thoughts?
Thank you very much for your time!