What!! Is this serious?

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I agree, it is ia silly idea, except I'd be more concerned about the sulphur emissions than the carbon emissions.
Do you British guys burn tires like that every year? That can't be good. Is this something everybody does, or just a few backwoods rednecks (don't know the the british term for inbred morons).
Are you talking about Guy Fork's night?

No, we have a few bonfire parties (this involves buyning wood not rubber) and light a few fireworks which I suppose isn't very environmentally friendly but I don't think we should stop it for the greenies.
Hero999 said:
Are you talking about Guy Fork's night?

Now that spelling is going to confuse our colonial cousins!

For reference try https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_fawkes

No, we have a few bonfire parties (this involves buyning wood not rubber) and light a few fireworks which I suppose isn't very environmentally friendly but I don't think we should stop it for the greenies.

As kids we used to make our own bonfires, including chopping down entire trees for it (pity about the phone wires that got in the way one time!), and stealing as many old tyres as we could from the quarry at the top of the hill. These included large digger tyres, one of which got away one year down the 1 in 6 hill from the quarry Luckily it missed all the cars (there were far less cars back then), and hit a telegraph pole that stopped it (spilt the pole though!).

So certainly in the past a LOT of tyres used to get burnt, but it's far less these days.

However, I agree that the article was crazy, right next to the house and FAR too big and dangerous - still, it is Ireland!
We Burn To Do Good

HarveyH42 said:
Do you British guys burn tires like that every year? That can't be good. Is this something everybody does, or just a few backwoods rednecks (don't know the the british term for inbred morons).

Ah well the truth had to come out sometime. Might as well admit that we all go pyro on the 5th of November. **broken link removed**
I've been up to the thousand islands here in NY a few times with my brother in law, and on the weekends they usually throw a tire on the fire just for the hell of it. The colours can be intereting.
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