Ratchit said:
"But i as a rotational operator is not the only way to view i, it can be viewed as a constant depending on how you setup your field."
Because i has its conformal similarity, you can use it as a constant to get correct answers in calculations, and even define a field as you have done above. Heck, I even use it that way myself to do duplex number calculations. But underlying all the proofs and conclusions is the unique property of a 90 degree rotation. You would not be able to do what you did for any other rotation. As far as I can see, you have proved that i can be used as a constant to get correct answers, but that was known already. Ratchit
History suggests that the reason was used as the sqrt(-1) so the following error could be avoided:
-1 = i^2 = sqrt(-1)*sqrt(-1) = sqrt(1) = 1.
Now I have to admit I know where you're coming from. The supposition that the inner product of i with any real number is zero, ie is orthogonal to the real set. Which is consistant with what tkbits was saying about vector notation, where a vector r = xax + yay + zaz where ax, ay, and az are all unit vectors pointing in their respective directly, which is why r can be written in the way it was shown above, which is also what makes i special in that sense, that a complex number can be written z = a + ib, since i is orthogonal to the real number set.
I claim i to be a constant, you claim it to be a rotational operator, but in the end we're both correct. i is a special constant that is orthgonal to the real number set (which seems to be what you're saying), but it in my eyes i is just (0,1) which is in the complex number set, a constant, albeit one with a special property. But this property was a result of how the my field was defined, and it just happens to have the (necessary orthogonal property) otherwise my field would cease to be a field.
History tells a different story where i was simply invented to solve equations that do not have real number solutions. This was at a time when negative numbers were on weak ground, the existance of i wasn't justified until 150 years later, when a geometric interpretation of i was invented, this is the interpretation you choose to use. But either method is fine as they can be derived independantly. So we can go on arguing until we're blue in the face, but in the end we're both correct, and both supported by firm mathematics and history.