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what kind of interface is the most recommended?

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good day,

i am designing a ethernet based data acquisition system, which is a device plug into the ethernet connnection point on the wall, and connected with a sensor on the other end (thermometer, oscilloscope, videocam etc).

in order to connect with the sensor, i need to implement a physical interface (GPIB, rs232, usb, rs4xx.... etc). which one is the most recommended n why?

does anyone ever play with tcp/ip stack? how to test it using my own pc before porting the code to uC?

Thank you!
The interface selection depends on many factors like
1) Distance betwwen sensor and main unit
2) Data transfer speed needed

If your sensor is within 15 meters, you can use RS232 @ 115 kbps using shielded cable. This distance can be increased if baud rate is kept low.

For higher data transfer and long distance (1.2 km max.) go for RS485.

For very high speed at short distance (625 kbps) use USB.

For fastest speed (2 MBps) at shortest distance of 1.5 meters use parallel port.

I've never tried GPIB since I haven't been able to collect much information on it and also it is not much popular.
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