What language is this

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I said previously that i want to know if it is possible to run both programs from the same processor
For example if this has an active input run this bit of code else the other part
Yes.. If you get one of the AVR guys to compile it.. If both programs are in the same micro you'll need to be able to swap them.
Or!! if you need them to run simultaneously, an RTOS will be needed... BUT!! either / or you'll need to recode the original..
A trick I use on a program I wrote to run on an ATtiny4313 to enter a setup mode was to configure a pin that was normally use as an output as an input for a few seconds after power up. The pin was biased high or low via a resistor to select between normal mode and setup mode. (The resistor is required so that when the pin is in its normal state as an output pulling it high or low via the resistor has no effect.)
A few other points. Are the two versions of the board IDENTICAL other than the code in the ATmega8 ? If the ATmega8 is a plug in device why not just carry spares of both versions of the code. (An ATmega8 only costs about £2.00)

The boards are almost identical except a few resistor's and the input pins. As i said the inputs are A,B,C,D,↑↓ and on each there is a zener diode which in either case are either normal or reverse polarity (something has to be dont with those but i am thinking an optocoupler on each input or something)
As this is a product that you sell you will have to be careful not to put too much information on the forum that would be useful to your competitors. From that point of view the source code you have posted may be to competitors advantage. If you fully understand what the two versions of the board do then I suggest you create a flow chart for each version. (Do not post that flow chart on the forum.) When you have the flow charts you will be in a position to start writing the code in any language you are familiar with. If you can't create the flow charts then you will have to reverse engineer it from the source code.

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