What lies upstream

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Swish. Point completely missed. But I am done engaging.
How do you know I missed anything? Lack of getting the answer that you wanted is not proof that I didn't get what point you were going for.

as for being done, You said that already. Doing to multiple times doesn't really help your credibility on that stand.

Here's a short video (~ 16 minutes) that is worth watching that sums up the reality of environmental protection and the reality of how the world actually works.

Egos need stroking and i aint doing it

Somehow I seriously doubt that.

When you dismiss others info simply because it doesn't fit your ever narrowing selective criteria and then proclaim grand and wild falsehoods of what you think someone else knows and thinks or does not while also dismissing every point they and you yourself make against the validity of your claims, that's pretty much unchecked ego (and false pride) driving your bus.

Watch some Jordan Peterson and "Clean your room."
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