What materials/fabrics will prevent touch screen from operating?

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Ever since touchscreens or touchpads (particularly the iphone) debuted, I’ve seen posts asking what materials/objects will work, in place of your finger, to activate the touch screen. I’ve seen everything from hot dogs to sterling silver plus oranges (and, of course, apples) mentioned as objects that will activate the screen.

My question, as part of a school project, is the reverse. Is there some type of thin film or fabric that will act as a barrier to PREVENT your finger from operating the screen? We’ve tried band-aids, scotch tape, electrical tape, dielectric tape (I think), latex gloves and non-latex condoms and the mighty finger has prevailed through all these barriers. We tried the rubber “thimbles” that are used to count money and they will not activate the screen, but this is too thick to really qualify as a film. So does anyone know of a thin barrier that, when placed between your finger and the screen, will prevent your finger from activating the screen? Thanks!
Part of the answer would involve knowing if the screen is resistive or capacitive; I know that on capacitive screens, you can put a piece of glass 2-3mm thick in front of the screen, and it will still recognize the touch (good for "vandal proofing" on a kiosk, for instance)...
hey cr0sh

we are working with an iPhone and I think it is capacitive. we are looking for something that you could put on your finger as opposed to something you would lay on the screen
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