What program should I use for serial port communications in xp

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As the title suggests, I'm looking for a program to use for communications with a PIC over the com port using windows XP.

Any suggestions?
If you just want to do testing then either hyperterm (comes with windows) or a similar program like putty, several others out there.
Just make sure you set the program for the com port, baud rate, and parity.

If you want to write a custom app both visual basic and C# are good choices with easy to use communication via the com port.
Hi I have great results in communicating with these Serial emulators. I prefer most COMPORT TOOL KIT. Because it has a nice Visual interface & Display times.

Also I have experienced with those software’s too in WINXP.


*Com Port Tool kit


*Tera Term

*Quick 3270
There are packages for the PC that do this for RS232 or RS485. Com Port Tool kit is one of these. They require 2 RS232 ports and most/all(?) are time limited demos.

Pickit2 comes with a serial line analyzer package that might be nice to have if you are going to be working with serial communication.

The next time a student comes looking for a project we could suggest a PIC based multi protocol serial line analyzer that does RS232/RS485/PS2/USB. Connect to PC via USB.
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