What resistor???

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New Member
A simpol question. how do you drop 4.5 v to 3.5 v. I eed the answer bytomarow at 11:00 AM.

Thank you
Ah so your LEDs are 3.5 V.... well (4.5V-3.5V)/20mA = 50 ohm resistor. You will need 15 because there are 15 leds in parallel. Understand ?
Wait, first of all, I want them in series. Will I rally need 15 50 ohm resistors if thy are in parallel
The resistor in series with an LED limits the current, it does not drop the voltage. An LED has its own voltage and could be powered from thousands of volts if the current-limiting resistor is calculated correctly.

If you connect fifteen 3.5V LEDs in series then you need 15 x 3.5= 52.5V (or more) for them plus about 5V for the single current-limiting resistor.
I don't think you have 57.5V or more.

Why did you make this new thread? It has no circuit description and no schematic so we don't know what you are talking about.
I need to know how to power a white LED on 4.5 volts. hat resistor should I use. As simple as that.
A white LED can have its current limited by a single resistor from a supply of 4.5V if you know the voltage of the LED (it is a range of voltages from 3.2V to 3.6V) and how much current you want in it.

Since you did not say what is the max allowed current in the LED, the amount of current you want in it or the voltage of the LED then we cannot help you simply calculate the value of the current-limiting resistor.
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