what resistors and capacitors do i use?

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New Member

im a complete novice at electronics and was hoping someone experienced in electronics/schematics can help me determine what resistors and capacitors etc, i need to use.

Ive got a schematic i made with a bit of help, but i need the correct components before i can start on the PCB. If anyone is willing to spend a little time to do this for me, i'd really appericiate it. i can forward my schematic if you have ares/isis at hand.

many thanks


  • schematic pg1.jpg
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  • schematic pg2.jpg
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  • schematic pg3.jpg
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ah yes. forgot a critical point!
Im making a toothbrush which transmits a radio frequency signal to a toothbrush holder. the point is when the user brushes their teeth, a tilt switch is triggered allowing the transmitter to send a play signal. once the holder recieves this signal it will plays music and lights up. the schemactics are just the drawings for the holder, not the toothbrush. The drawings also include features such as override button to switch it off, on/off button and an audio chip.
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