What to print on a switch button?

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New Member
In my product, there's a small button that serves two purposes:
1. when pressing it a regular short press, it switches the appliance.
2. when holding it for 3-sec, it performs reset.

So I thought of having it something like:

The problem is that the button is too small, therefore the word switch would hardly be seen.
Is there any common term/icon you can print on the button instead of "switch", which will contain less characters, and therefore could be written in larger size?

I was thinking on the Power icon, but i was afraid that the user might think that this button switches the product itself, and not the appliance.
**broken link removed**

Moreover, are there any other common ways to show the user that this button serves two purpoes?
I took this idea from my wireless phone's buttons.

Thank you.


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I would just use the power icon. The function of the button should be left to the manual. Use a different style power button for the device's main power. I've always been partial to a simple "I/O" type power switch rather than the stylized universal power symbol. Also I'd go 5 seconds on the reset feature.
or simply use


It points already to the double function of the button.
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I would consider using some standardised symbols like ... for small presses and _ for a long press, that at least shows the user the button is press-time controlled.

Maybe ..._ underneath 2 symbols, one for ON and one for RESET.
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