What were these nuts thinking?

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Using a skiff to fire upon a US Navy Frigate? crazed, little dog nips at heel of big dog!

"A US Navy frigate sinks Somali pirate skiff and captures 5 pirates then captures the pirate’s mother ship off the coast of East Africa. The idiot pirates were dumb enough to fire on the USS Nicholas FFG-47 thinking they would take it for ransom. If it wasn’t so serious it would be laughable."

I suspect the chaingun was used to fire upon the skiff. That alone would esaily disable it.

Length: 453 feet (138 meters)Beam: 47 feet (14.32 meters)Draft: 24,6 feet (7.5 meters)Displacement: 4,100 tonsSpeed: 30 knotsAircraft: two SH-60 Sea HawkArmament:
one Mk-75 .62cal rapid fire gun
MK 32 ASW torpedo tubes
one Phalanx CIWS radar and FLIR guided (20mm armor-peircing tungsten round, 6-barrels, 3000-4500 rounds/minute)


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LOL, a phalanx would cause there to be nothing left to capture.

Though I doubt they can even get it to target surface vessels.
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Back in my ol Navy days, we had a phalanx system on my ship. It is used for surface to air attacks such as an incoming missiles. Most likely the phalanx is not even positioned where it could be used against surface targets, it would most surely have shredded the boat and those aboard into fish food if it could have.

That chain gun looks like it would be pretty effective against a wooden boat.


Oh, Smanches just said that...Oops.
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Though I doubt they can even get it to target surface vessels.

Elevation Limits: –25 degrees to +85 degrees

The Phalanx was developed by Ratheon and is both land based and naval platforms. A small craft close to a high-draft ship might be able to sneak under it's downward limit. However, a Phalanx is the wrong weapon to use for that situation. The chain gun, depth charges, or torpedos would keep a small craft at bay. Even then the two on-board SH-60 Sea Hawk choppers can easily do the job. I don't know what's worse for a sea pirate to encounter.... the fast frigate itself or the Sea Hawk?

The SH-60B carries a complex system of sensors including a towed magnetic anomaly detector (MAD) and air-launched sonobuoys. Other sensors include the APS-124 search radar, ALQ-142 ESM system and optional nose-mounted forward looking infrared (FLIR) turret. It carries the Mk46, Mk50, MK54 torpedo, AGM Hellfire missle, and a single cabin-door-mounted M60D or M240 machine gun or a .50cal GAU-16 machine gun.
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As stated the Somalia Country has been without govt for 19 years, it might be time for the US govt to step in as they have all over the world trying in vain to be a BIG brother, but wait is there any OIL in that country and if not why would they bother. It seems the only country the US invades has OIL and that is the false reason Iraq was invaded. The first time Daddy didn't succeed so little boy Bush had to finish it, now you guy's have the Obamanation in charge maybe OIL won't be the reason the US try to be BIG brother again.....
Nicholas FFG-47 looks like a toy comparing to our new INS Chennai...that chain gun we use to destroy those nasty pirate rats playing in and around the ship..

Few specs:

Length: 163metre!
Speed: >30Knots/hr
Four AK-630 rapid-fire guns

...rest of the details are not available to public...too dangerous indeed, even me too shivering out of fear..
Hmmm, last I remember Britain came happily skipping along on the attack mission as well (both times!). Daddy Bush stuck to the original purpose: to liberate Kuwait and go home despite how others felt that Iraq should have been taken down further. If oil is the key reason behind Iraq, why then does the US import a majority of its oil crude from Canada and Venezuela? Yep we got Obamination in the White House to deal with. At least we don't have the dead weight of a scandal- ridden, lame-duck monarchy! BTW how's the old wrinkled Betty doing these days?

A toy? Uuuh yeah! BTW more than half of your naval craft were built by other nations ( Britain, Germany, US, Russia, S. Korea).

Hardly fair to compare a Frigate and a Destroyer class. Now if we are talking Destroyers, I think the HMS Daring is a force to be reckoned with on the high seas. But alas I am old school and still like the ol BB class.

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The story reminds me of one I heard a few years ago where a merchant ship in the Red Sea was being attacked by pirates and called for help on their radio.

An Australian frigate that happened to be nearby answered the call.

I don't recall the precise outcome but vaguely remember the pirates took off post haste when the frigate appeared.

If I'd been the captain, I would have sent a helicopter to give them a burst.

But then that would not be politically correct, would it?
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Either that or Darth Vaders helmet. Hopefully they improved the design from the 1964 model.
I also smelt something bad on the look and feel of the AK-630...but clearly look doesn't matter here

Now I understood that frigates escorts the destroyer warships and for sea patrolling..

I hope those smart guys behind the chain gun will wear a bulletproff helmet while dealing with pirates.
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