What will detect ELF in the 1 to 40 Hz ranges around a person?

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Yeah, but you love the delusions you have. I consider the source, those who refuses to acknowledge the truth (reality, AKA what is REAL), you live in a fantasy world.

Hey now I like reality being there are so few other people here now I have found it to be a nice quiet place to be.

Besides as Einstein theorized everything in reality is relative to who and how its being observed.
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I always kind of wondered if it's illegal to wear a tinfoil hat in public. Never seen one, though I'd suspect it simple enough to line a conventional hat with foil. It just seems like a popular fashion, here on the internet, you'd think chance of spotting one occasionally in public would be pretty good. Figure they must be snatched up quickly on sight, and hauled off to the nearest straitjacket factory, before they can harm themselves or others.
Right, any more of this twaddle and the cute puppy and kitten will get it!!

OK, maybe not the kitten....
I want to believe!



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I have my doubts. Most of the nutters I have met don't seem to be the out in public type of personality's. I think they figure the mind control devices are most often placed where large groups of people tend to gather so they avoid going out into public gathering places as much as possible.
Dammit man where's my net. There are forums that embrace that sort of rubbish.

I hope you are kidding .. Rubbish ?

It's sad to see how brainwashed mislead most people are.
- Raise your flag for your dear President, puppet.

People refusing to accept reality are ignorant of physics and brainwashed, they do not have a creedence and lack imagination. Comfortably numb.

Mind 'control' (or should I say alteration in any kind) is a reality.
Earthquake machines are a reality; or should we just refuse to face our current technology ?

Look, that seed was planted by Tesla long before the nuclear power. He was thought fool by others until decades later.

Oh no hey ? We can't have such technologies and governments is an happy little friend ?
Yet we develloped the power of the sun 70 years ago.

Wake up. Wake the you-know-what up.
I don't care if you get twelve kilo-posts here, you won't say anything to make me doubt of what's true.

Blessed are the ignorants

********. They earth resonates as a whole. They can broadcast in the whole sphere.

They can get into humans with 7hz, and some real high frequencies at the same time.

We, like everything, have our resonating frequencies (7hz for bones), so does the earth. from very low to very fast.

If 'they' use resonance to control your mind, how is a tinfoil hat going to protect you? Wouldn't the anti-intelligence be conducted through out your entire body? Since the body is composed mostly of water, would the resonant frequency of water be more ideal for mind control? I think Stan Meyers got killed, for using some of this technology in his HHO generator. Or maybe he was killed, because somebody bought all of his videos, books, and kits, and still couldn't get it to work. Or maybe he was never killed, he just took all the money, and ran, living the good life in some under-developed country.

Never really bought into all the conspiracy stuff, until Global Warming, and ObamaCare. There was such a huge rush to act, on both causes, but neither seem to be critical situations, and the solutions forced on us, seem to make things worse, with no apparent benefit to most of us.

We need to see that there's more than just the USA in the world too. I mean billions of mouths to feed.
They said that reducing the global population by 95% would be for the best. Anyway, I do not have time to write at the moment but I will come back later to add some things.

Being parano is a thing, being realist and aware of possibilities in another one. I'm not a conspirationist.

If 'they' use resonance to control your mind, how is a tinfoil hat going to protect you?
Not even a bunker would.
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Take the red pill.

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